All I Need

by Radiohead

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:44 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


In Rainbows

Song Author


Tabbed by

el tito, quien mas ?


1st → Yorke 5
2nd → Metalophone
3rd → Piano and asdasdise
4th → Bass (slow and low)
5th → Ed and his mysterious volume swells
6th → Drumssi�n
7th → Synth bass

File Size

37 KB




I�m the next act Wait-ing in the wings I�m an a-ni-mal Trapped in your hot car I am all the da-ys that you choo-se to ig-nore You�re all I need You�re all I need I�m in the mi-ddle of your pic-ture Ly-ing in the breeze I am a moth Who justs wants to share your light I�m just an in-sect Trying to get+out of the dark I will s-tick with you, because there are no o-thers You�re all I need You�re all I need I�m in the mi-ddle of your pic-ture Ly-ing in the breeze It�s all wrong It�s all right It�s all wrong It�s all ri-g-h-t It�s all wrong It�s all right It�s all wrong It�s all ri-g-h-t It�s all wrong It�s all right